Aug 102010

Origins and current location?
I am from Durban, Umlazi Township.

What do you do for a living?
I am working as a clerk in one of the construction companies in Pinetown.

How long have you been natural? Briefly take us through your natural hair journey.
I have been natural since early 2006, so it has been 4 years now.

Why did you decide to go natural?
It just happened that I wanted to be different, have my own style.

What are the challenges and advantages since you went natural?
Washing my hair, and blow drying because I have to do it myself, its so tiring.

What is your regimen and what products do you use?
I do my own hair and products I am using are Jabu Stone products (Hair foods, Treatments).



Where do you buy your hair products?
Anywhere, when I see Jabu Stone products, I just buy it.

Do you do treat and style your own hair or leave it to the professionals?
Yes, I do my own hair and style it on my own. I don’t need professionals to do it for me.

What’s your favourite natural hair salon?
Don’t have one, I believe salons are expensive, and why go to salon if I can do it myself…

What natural hairstyle(s) do you like to rock?
Twists and cornrows. Sometimes I will twist my hair and after a week, I will just untwist them without combing, I will just leave it crazy-like…..

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